AcuGraph Acupuncture Technology in Austin, Texas at Whole Body Health
Call today to make an appointment to receive a FREE AcuGraph evaluation and analysis with our acupuncturist, Moira J. McCarthy (a $55 value). The appointment will only last 15-20 minutes you will receive a report of your body’s energy balances and imbalances.
What is AcuGraph?
Still having trouble understanding how Chinese Medicine or Acupuncture can help heal your body? Forget the ancient terms and cryptic concepts. AcuGraph can SHOW you!
Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, but only recently has the ancient Chinese healing art met with modern technology in the form of the AcuGraph. This computerized tool for analyzing and documenting the Qi (or life energy) flowing through the body’s pathways, provides acupuncturists with objective insight into a patient’s overall condition.
AcuGraph analysis provides understandable, logical, and visual proof in an easy-to-understand report. The AcuGraph presents a physical “snapshot” of energy imbalances and allows our acupuncturist to formulate a precise treatment plan, helping you relieve your symptoms, correct imbalances, and improve your over overall health and wellness.
About Our Acupuncturist
Moira McCarthy, TX L.Ac, have been practicing acupuncture for over 14 years in the Austin area. Moira is fully licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners and was nationally certified as a Diplomate of Acupuncture by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) in 1992. Her practice focuses on gently balancing and supplementing the body’s healing energy (Qi) through acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas to effectively treat most acute and chronic conditions.
Over many years in Austin, Moira has established close working relationships with many local area physicians, chiropractors and registered massage therapists (RMTs). These professionals have seen the benefit of integrating complementary therapies, like acupuncture, in helping alleviate the symptoms of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, migraines, carpal tunnel, MS, lupus, chronic fatigue, as well as sports injuries or injuries from auto accidents.