Whole Body Health News
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Natural Pain Management
Pain is part of life, but like fever, it is not always a bad thing, because it is actually your body’s way of of protecting itself from, or restoring itself to, a state of health after injury or infection. Usually an inflammatory response, pain is only a serious...
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
Emotional health is directly tied to physical health and physiology. Unresolved stress can literally wear you down physically, making you more likely to get sick or feel irritable, anxious, and depressed. Over time, negative mind-body stress patterns can lead to...
Naturally Reduce Tension & Pain
A growing number of people of all ages already suffer from anxiety on a regular basis due to a variety of internal and external causes. Often it can be traced back to a specific and unresolved trauma, while other more generalized anxiety comes from environmental...
How Walking Can Improve Your Life
During the stay-home measures necessitated by the Coronavirus crisis, many people have had to find alternative ways to maintain their exercise programs and relieve stress, and in doing so have rediscovered the joys and benefits of walking. Treadmills, formerly known...
Quell Quarantine Anxiety
Even people that don’t normally deal with anxiety issues may be feeling more than a little anxious right now. Weeks of social distancing and continuous news coverage have us feeling a little isolated and vulnerable, wondering and worrying about how long this new...
Simple Ways to Use Water to Wash Away Allergies
For allergy sufferers, the fact that Spring is in the air is less a cause for celebration than it is one for grabbing a tissue. That’s because the Spring season is also pollen season, when airborne irritants from pollinating grasses, trees, flowers and weeds...