Whole Body Health News
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Spring Allergies
It starts out innocently enough. You wake up with a scratchiness — ever so slight — in the back of your throat. But as the day goes on, it grows. Every time you swallow, every bite of food you take grates down your throat like bare feet on gravel. By early afternoon,...
Holiday Gut Check: Nourish Gut Health Amid Seasonal Temptations
There’s a lot going on this time of year that can wreak havoc on your gut health. Exposure to more illnesses, overindulging in foods and drinks you may not normally eat, and disruptions in our sleep patterns can all disrupt the delicate balance of intestinal bacteria...
Men’s Health Awareness Month
Did you know that the life expectancy for men is at least 5 years less than it is for women, and of the top 10 causes of death in the U.S., men are more likely than women to die from nine of them? Do you know why that is? It’s because women tend to be much more...
Doctor/Patient Relationships Affect True Wellness
Nowadays you hear a lot of complaints about doctors, hospitals, and medicine in general. As a doctor myself, I am very sensitive to this. It pains me to know that conventional medicine now often has the reputation of being a business more about insurance and profit...
ASA Whole Body Balancing System-What Is It?
The ASA Whole Body Balancing System is a holistic alternative for reducing stress in the body including allergies and other inflammatory conditions brought on by food sensitivities or environmental exposure. The Whole Body Balancing System creates a specific set...
Best Flu Remedies
What are the best flu remedies or medicines that can help you recover faster? At the end of the holiday break, I came down with the flu! I didn’t realize it was the flu at the time, I thought was my typical respiratory/“allergy” reaction to gluten...