Whole Body Health News

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February Heart Health Month

February is American Heart Month -- a time set aside each year to encourage Americans to pay better attention to their lifestyle choices and how they affect heart health.  This awareness campaign is important because heart disease is the number one killer of both men...

Cell Phone Radiation

It is widely known that cell phones emit electro-magnetic radio frequency radiation (RF) and the human being operating it absorbs it.  RF is a different type of radiation than that emitted in X-ray technology, and while X-rays have a proven link to increased cancer...

Why You Need Sleep

In a recent article, Dr. Mercola explains a multitude of reasons why it is crucial to get enough sleep every night. The article states that an estimated 40% of  Americans are sleep deprived and many of them get 5 hours of sleep or less nightly. According to recent...

Detox Bath for Allergy/Cold Relief

The cooler weather and high allergen count are a couple of things that come along with the fall and winter seasons. If you're one of the many people that are affected by these, you may want to take a natural approach to easing your symptoms and feeling relief. Try...

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