Dress Up Your Water

We all know we should drink more water — and there are a variety of reasons for this, not the least of which is it can help you lose weight (or maintain a healthy one!)  That’s because many times when we think we’re hungry, we are, in fact, simply thirsty. ...

Holistic Pest Control Part 2

Finding insect pests in your house — ants, mosquitoes, spiders, fruit flies, cockroaches, bed bugs, or other creatures — isn’t just an irritant, it’s a disruption of your life. It upsets the balance and purpose of home as a place of rest, and adds one more unnecessary...

Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies, or hay-fever, affect millions of Americans each year. While these symptoms are uncomfortable and annoying many more Americans suffer from chronic sensitivities and allergies, with both immediate and classic reactions to those with more...

Holistic Pest Control

In an ideal world, your home is a place of rest, a refuge from the troubles of daily life. For eight or more hours per day, you struggle against the enemy forces known as “deadlines,” “reports,” and other work responsibilities. These forces attack your mind and stress...